For Morris, tapestry was the highest form of decorative art. Inspired in part by J. H. Dearles The Brook Tapestry and the friezes that sit beneath the Holy Grail Tapestries, this wide-width wallpaper design recreates the crispness and beautiful detail of medieval tapestries. Printed in two colourways and sold by the metre, fabrics are available of the same name.
Hanging instructions for Morris Wallpaper supplied by the metre, untrimmed.
Morris & Co recommend that a professional decorator with experience of hand-trimming be used to hang this paper.
Before hanging, ensure that you have received the correct product, check that the wallcovering is undamaged and that the design and colour of each length
matches. Return any incorrect or defective wallpaper to the place it was purchased. Take extra care when papering around electric light switches and
power points. Do not allow excess moisture to drip onto electrical contacts.
Prepare the wall by removing all traces of dirt, old wallpaper or loose paint. Do not hang wallcoverings on any wall with a history of damp. Fill any cracks
and allow these to dry. Absorbent surfaces should be appropriately sized using a diluted wallpaper adhesive, following manufacturer’s instructions. Sealed
walls, i.e. painted, should be rubbed down with sandpaper to create a ‘key’. We recommend that for best results the walls be ‘lined’ horizontally using a
good quality lining paper. Allow this to fully dry before hanging the wallpaper.
Each length should be carefully trimmed before hanging. Pre Trim the wallcovering just into the print area, hang the first length. Hang the next length over
the join (overlapping), so that the pattern aligns, with a clean blade and straight edge run down the centre of the over-lap edge and remove excess paper,
take care to avoid getting paste on the surface if at all possible, thoroughly and carefully clean any paste residue inadvertently left on the face from the
edge using clean water and a damp sponge.
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